Community communication and alternative media section post-conference events

Post Conference Event: OURMedia Routes
Following the 2019 IAMCR conference in Madrid (7 – 11 July 2019), the OURMedia network, IAMCR CCAM Section & RICCAP offer a series of visits to community media projects in four different regions of Spain: Madrid, Andalusia, Catalonia & the Basque Country. The visits will aim at providing visitors a general portrait about the plurality of alternative media projects in Spain including promoters, organization and sustainability models, contents and programming, etc. These visits will take part as an IAMCR / OURMedia Post-conference activity right after the finalization of the Congress in Madrid.

Date & Time: 12 July – Madrid / 15 – 16 July in Andalusia, Catalonia & the Basque Country
Venue: Choose 1 of 3 Routes
Registration: Please contact
In the “Subject” box of the email, indicate Registration to PostConference OURMedia Routes. Then, indicate your full name, country & IAMCR membership (yes/no) and then the Visit/s to Madrid and/or one of the routes outside Madrid.

Please note:
• Visits to Andalusia, Catalonia or the Basque Country will require the payment of fees for transport, accommodation and the like. You will book and cover the hotels and transportation at your own expense. We offer you some suggestions, but do not take too long since it’s summer time and tourism will rise at the period.
• Expected costs for the visit (including transport, accommodation & alike) are, at least, 200 euros per person for the 2 days of outside-Madrid visits.
• There is a fund to alleviate and support the accommodation & travel expenses of people from low-income countries.
• There is a limit of up to 20 people per visit, which will be assigned in order of email arrival. Priority will be given to IAMCR members.
• All visitors will have the possibility to share experiences with the community media based in Madrid, since this visit is free. In your email, please indicate it so that we can prevue your visit.

Enjoy the trip!

For further details download the full program: Madrid, Basque CountryCatalonia and Andalusia.


The IAMCR Community Communication & Alternative Media Section

• OURMedia / NuestrosMedios. Website:
• Redecambio. Red Universitaria de Postgrados en Comunicación, Desarrollo y Cambio Social. Website:
• RICCAP (Red de Investigación en Comunicación Comunitaria, Alternativa y Participativa – Research network on Community, Alternative & Participatory Communication): First Spanish organization focused on the study of participatory communication processes in alliance with other nodes and research groups in Latin America and Europe. Website:
• Data Justice Lab. Space for research and collaboration at Cardiff University’s School of Journalism, Media and Culture (JOMEC). It examines the intricate relationship between datafication and social justice, highlighting the politics and impacts of data-driven processes and big data. Website:
• Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. One of the three public universities offering communication studies in Madrid. Website:
• Saint Louis University – Madrid. American university based in Madrid which offers communication studies in English. Website:
• Doctorado en Comunicación, Lenguajes e Información. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá

Organizing committee of the Postconference visits to community media in different Spanish regions:

• Andalucía: David Montero & José Candón Mena (Universidad de Sevilla, Andalucía) (;
• Basque Country: Udane Goikoetxea (Universidad del País Vasco) (
• Catalonia: Carme Mayugo (Teleduca, Barcelona) (
• Madrid: Javier García García (RICCAP, URCM, ReMC) (

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