AMAL El Mohammadiane Tarbift ( is a PhD student and researcher in the PhD Program in Education and Social Communication at the University of Málaga, where she was hired as an assistant researcher in the Department of Journalism and focused her research on the incidence of participatory communication in Andalusian public media good practices. She holds a degree in Journalism at the University of Málaga (2012) and a Master in Journalistic Communication (2014). She is a radio announcer at Onda Color, a community radio and has participated in conferences, congresses and seminars as reporter on: participatory communication, good practices and ICT in community and proximity media. As a professional journalist, she has developed most of his work in Cadena Ser and Grupo Joly. For four years, she worked in communication, cooperation and participated in projects with the International AIESEC organization. She was awarded a scholarship by Andalucía Tech for the ICT Research Group 015 of the University of Málaga COMandalucía, participating and collaborating in the national project CS02011-29195 entitled La Radio Televisión Pública Local en Andalucia: Situación actual e incidencia social.