Miriam Meda González

miriammedaMIRIAM Meda González (miriam.meda@planetaespuni.es) holds a Ph.D. in Journalism (Complutense University, Madrid), a MA in Communication with Social Purposes: Strategies and Campaigns (Valladolid University, Spain), and a degree in Journalism (Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid). She is co-author in more than twenty papers and articles in the field of her expertise -community media, communication for social change, journalism professionals…- published by publishing houses (Fragua, Los Libros de la Catarata, Dykinson, Instituto de RTVE…) and also by scientific journals such as Commons and Athenea Digital. She has participated in many national and international conferences about the topics pointed above. She has been the General Coordinator of the Spanish Community Media Federation (Red de Medios Comunitarios, ReMC), member of the Board and Project Officer at the Association of Community Media Broadcasters (AMARC, European division), and expert member in the authors’ rights and professional working groups in the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ). Miriam has also worked as a journalist and researcher in different institutions: Onda Fuenlabrada, Uno-Seis Aranjuez, Extremadura Actualidad, Radio Ritmo Getafe, Spanish National Council Research (CSIC) and Rey Juan Carlos University. Currently, she is member of the Expert Group in Audiovisual Regulations of the Community Media Forum of Europe (ReMC), founder of the association Citizens Media Hub (Belgium) and founder of the radio Onda Vital (an online radio for the integration of the Spanish-speakers in Belgium).

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